- October 6, 2016Before stop-and-frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York City, historian Khalil Gibran Muhammad spoke out about a program he called an “enduring form of surveillance and racial control.”
- October 6, 2016The Republican nominee is discovering that running on “the most anti-worker, anti-union platform of any party in the history of the United States” might turn off union members.
- October 3, 2016Garza says even though this powerful movement is growing and evolving, the media still isn't doing enough to understand its members' diversity.
- September 30, 2016Thirty percent of rural Americans have substandard housing — and it’s expensive. But these communities are finding ways to give low-income residents homes of their own.
- September 28, 2016Since the founding of the United States, government at every level has tended to make unpopular behavior illegal — and that hasn't always made it stop.
- September 28, 2016For indigenous people, the fight to halt the Dakota Access Pipeline is about reviving a way of life.
- September 27, 2016During his first meeting with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump did his best to alienate Latinos.
- September 21, 2016In a close election, millennials could cast the deciding votes. But will they show up at the polls?
- September 21, 2016Donald Trump's economic plan may only benefit big companies, the 1 percent and nobody else.
- September 20, 2016Have you ever stolen a political sign from a neighbor's yard? Our readers share their stories of snatched and abused election paraphernalia.