- November 10, 2014There is no greater threat to equal justice than when our public defenders are beaten into submission.
- November 7, 2014 | Moyers & CompanyOn Election Day, a small California city took on one of the biggest corporations in America… and declared victory.
- November 6, 2014Low-wage earners would have to work, on average, 104 hours a week to afford a modest two-bedroom rental unit.
- November 4, 2014Be prepared to be outraged unless you're one of 85 people who own half the world.
- November 3, 2014We asked our audience what kind of coverage of poverty issues they were interested in and received over 2,000 responses.
- November 3, 2014An ambitious new global campaign declares that we’ll only make real progress against economic inequality if we confront the concentration of wealth at the top.
- October 31, 2014 | Moyers & CompanyThe only independent member of the US Senate tells Bill big money’s purchase of political power is a grave threat, and shares his plan to put government back in voters' control.
- October 30, 2014The independent senator from Vermont urges the citizens of Richmond, California, to stand up to the oil giant and "give hope to people all over America that we can control our destinies."
- October 29, 2014Global inequality, like global warming, is a disease that may be too far along to ever be cured.
- October 27, 2014"You cannot understand what’s going on with Ferguson today without knowing this history."