- June 28, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyThe tragic truth about hunger, food insecurity and poverty in America.
- June 24, 2013Extreme weather claimed more than 300 lives and cost Americans billions making it the second-most expensive year for natural disasters on record.
- May 24, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyOnly weeks after his release from prison, activist Tim DeChristopher talks about the necessity of civil disobedience in the fight for environmental justice.
- May 24, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyThis weekend, environmental activist Tim DeChristopher on civil disobedience, and Gretchen Morgenson describes how banks are still too big to fail.
- May 20, 2013Chris Hedges writes that we must either defy the corporate state or accept our extinction as a species. He believes rebellion is the only way to remain fully human.
- May 18, 2013The director of the Center for Science and Democracy explains how industries undermine scientific research, and new challenges facing scientists in the digital age.
- May 17, 2013Watch the trailer for a new documentary about environmentalist Tim DeChristopher, and see a clip of his conversation with Bill Moyers, airing next week.
- May 17, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyDavid Rosner and Gerald Markowitz discuss a study conducted in the 1990s that exposed children to dangerous levels of lead without warning parents.
- May 17, 2013In this 2001 Moyers Moment, Bill gets his blood tested to find out just how pervasive industrial chemicals are.
- May 17, 2013Two public health historians reveal how the vinyl chloride industry published misleading research to keep employees from knowing they were being poisoned.