- September 5, 2014The Massachusetts senator says she's not running for president in 2016, but this speech shows why some think she should.
- September 5, 2014 | Moyers & CompanyThe Massachusetts senator talks to Bill about taking on the entrenched political and Wall Street interests that have rigged the game against the rest of us.
- September 4, 2014If you want change, then be prepared to mobilize, organize and fight for your rights.
- September 4, 2014There's no need to wait for the next election. Americans know what they want.
- September 3, 2014Farah Tanis learned that, of the women in poverty she worked with, nine out of 10 had experienced violence — so she started a bartering network to help them survive.
- September 3, 2014In Naomi Klein's new book, she argues that capitalism is the root cause of climate change.
- September 2, 2014This week, the state with the strictest voter ID law defends it in federal court.
- September 1, 2014One way Obama can address the issue of income inequality is by giving low-wage federal workers the right to organize and bargain for fair working conditions.
- August 29, 2014"Our role now is to be like a social defibrillator, to shock the heart of the nation, to cause it to revive and to remember what the real enemy is: regressive extremism."
- August 29, 2014Having poor people in the richest country in the world is a choice. We have the money to solve this. But do we have the will?