- March 19, 2016Forget Trump. It's the people who paved the way for him who seem uncomfortably familiar to an expert on pre-Nazi Germany.
- March 12, 2016We spoke with Robert P. Jones, whose American Values Survey studies the role that religion, culture and the economy play in informing voters' decisions.
- March 10, 2016The prolific writer and activist discusses how she keeps faith while change moves slowly along.
- March 9, 2016“The interview seemed to go well,” one grad recalls, up until the moment when the interviewer looked at her resume. “She said, ‘Your degree isn’t any good.’”
- March 9, 2016Readers express concern that the Fourth Estate is in serious trouble -- and what that might mean for our democracy.
- March 8, 2016Someone once told me: “You are probably a part of a small percentage of moms and dads who are legitimate in their need.”
- March 2, 2016Trump’s America would expel or marginalize an overwhelming majority of Americans.
- March 1, 2016Trumpism is not a program or an ideology. It is an attitude or pose that feeds off of, and then reinforces, widespread anger and alienation.
- February 25, 2016Perhaps there was a time when Republicans and Democrats more or less shared good values like compassion, tolerance, charity and empathy for the less fortunate. Obviously, things are different now.
- February 22, 2016If voters suddenly understood issues and facts, would we live in a democratic Camelot? Until 1988, no one knew.