- May 17, 2017Chairman Ajit Pai slammed for one-sided portrayal of debate, painting net neutrality proponents as racist trolls.
- May 12, 2017Trump's FCC plans to continue a decades-long, lobbyist-backed effort to allow media consolidation, helping corporate bottom lines but hurting independent journalism.
- May 11, 2017The right-wing Vortex lines up behind the Supreme Leader as he cheerily proclaims that he's not under investigation.
- May 10, 2017Relaxed media consolidation rules have allowed Sinclair Broadcasting to buy Tribune Media, creating a local news behemoth with a conservative bent.
- May 1, 2017This week's installment in our series in which we regularly point you to some of the best investigative reporting you might otherwise miss.
- May 1, 2017How much of America is locked into a looking-glass world?
- April 24, 2017It seems to be a media rule: If you’re “not a scientist,” pick the wrong one you like as your go-to authority.
- April 24, 2017Using the language of the anticommunist witch hunt for this moment is a mistake.
- April 21, 2017Trump's wars are now all over the map. The peace movement can fight back by joining already thriving intersectional campaigns.
- April 19, 2017His lawyer: He’s not a deranged crackpot, he just plays one on the radio.