- September 27, 2016Besides birtherism and anti-Blumenthalism, Donald Trump basically ignored the entire Republican agenda of the past eight years.
- September 27, 2016In a hyperpartisan year, pundits on the left and the right found something they can agree on.
- September 26, 2016How to keep an eye on what's true, false or somewhere in between.
- September 26, 2016Presidential debates are never about substance — and Trump the showman has the edge.
- September 26, 2016If you're disgusted even thinking about the upcoming mainstream media debates, you are not alone.
- September 26, 2016It doesn’t matter how the debates go, or what the polls say; the press will portray the final stretch of this horserace as neck and neck, a photo finish, you won’t want to miss this, stay tuned.
- September 23, 2016This just in: Campaign coverage is focused on the trivial and sensational and ignoring the issues.
- September 22, 2016Despite transparency about the community "news" site's funding, residents are getting a corporate take on what's news and what isn't.
- September 22, 2016An occasional look at how campaign 2016 is playing on prime time TV
- September 20, 2016Is the tide turning? The words "lie" and "liar" are beginning to turn up in New York Times and Washington Post headlines about the GOP nominee.