- January 3, 2014 | Moyers & CompanyBig money has moved North Carolina far to the right politically but citizen protesters are fighting back against “extremist policies.” See why the conflict unfolding in North Carolina could be a testing ground for what’s to come in every state.
- December 31, 2013We asked some of the people trying to change the world for the better to tell us what made them proud in 2013, and what their hopes and dreams are for 2014.
- December 27, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyBest-selling author and historian Thomas Cahill talks to Bill in a wide-ranging conversation covering everything from the bubonic plague to Christopher Columbus to the nature of human progress.
- December 27, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyBill talks to best-selling author Thomas Cahill about why Pope Francis has conservatives up in arms.
- December 27, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyBill talks to best-selling author Thomas Cahill about why Pope Francis has conservatives up in arms, and to Philip Levine, who explores how his years working on Detroit's assembly lines inspired his poetry.
- December 27, 2013Christ's teaching for his followers to love one another gave way to inter-Christian violence within a few hundred years of his death.
- December 25, 2013Pope Francis tweets about the same topics he speaks about: the importance of caring for those less fortunate than ourselves and what it means to live charitably. Here's a sampling.
- December 17, 2013 | Updated December 18, 2013The Koch brothers "fund organizations that advance public policies that directly contradict Catholic teaching on a range of moral issues," the group writes.
- December 5, 2013 | Updated July 18, 2015In a 1991 interview, Nelson Mandela, talks to Bill about how he developed positive relationships with prison wardens during his 27 years on Robben Island.
- December 2, 2013Pope Francis encourages resistance to an “economy of exclusion and inequality.”