- January 7, 2015 | Updated September 21, 2015Bill answered your questions about Selma, President Johnson, activism, Citizens United, and much more.
- December 7, 2014The 1968 report's stark conclusion was that "our nation is moving towards two societies: one white, one black -- separate and unequal."
- August 27, 2014The soul-searching that the country is going through in the wake of the turmoil in Ferguson, Missouri, echoes that of our past.
- August 18, 2014What some of last century's cast of characters -- and the lives they led -- tell us about humanity.
- August 8, 2014Bill recalls his time in Washington and reflects on how much more he knows now about events like the Gulf of Tonkin resolution -- passed 40 years ago this week -- than he did when it was happening before his eyes.
- July 18, 2014The author of Dog Whistle Politics argues that naturalistic assumptions about race mislead liberals in their effort to fathom race’s astringent power, shifting the focus from social dynamics to inherited essences.
- June 27, 2014From the health effects of smoking to weapons of mass destruction, the powers that be have told us some real whoppers over the years.
- June 25, 2014Think voting discrimination is largely a thing of the past? Think again.
- May 23, 2014Like the New Deal before it, the Great Society changed the way Americans thought about the relationship of the government to the economy.
- May 22, 2014We haven't come very far at all since the civil rights victories of the 1960s.