- May 25, 2017For net neutrality supporters, the last week felt like déjà vu.
- May 17, 2017Chairman Ajit Pai slammed for one-sided portrayal of debate, painting net neutrality proponents as racist trolls.
- May 10, 2017Relaxed media consolidation rules have allowed Sinclair Broadcasting to buy Tribune Media, creating a local news behemoth with a conservative bent.
- May 10, 2017FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has endorsed a proposal that dismantles net neutrality protections.
- April 25, 2017Here's what you need to know about the fight for an open internet.
- April 18, 2017Here is a list of measures you can take to protect your privacy after FCC repeal.
- March 31, 2017Money in politics researchers find that the more a politician got in contributions from the telecomm industry, the more likely he or she was to vote in favor of allowing ISPs to sell their customers' data.
- March 28, 2017Privacy and security are two sides of the same coin.
- February 27, 2017Donald Trump’s new Federal Communications Commission chairman is taking direct aim at fair and affordable internet access.