Charlene Gomez leads an orientation seminar for undocumented immigrants to determine if they qualify for temporary work permits in Los Angeles. Maryland may join California and Illinois as the third state with a DREAM Act. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
Maryland Question 4 would approve legislation that offers in-state tuition rates at community colleges to undocumented immigrants, a sort of statewide DREAM Act. To be eligible for the in state tuition, the student would have to attend three years of Maryland high school and apply to become a resident. The student, or his or her guardian, would also be required to file state tax returns. State legislatures in both Illinois and California have already passed state-wide DREAM Acts.
In Montana, a vote on a state statute would require that applicants for state services present proof of citizenship. The ballot language asks voters whether they support “an act denying certain state-funded services to illegal aliens.”