Since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, outside groups have been free to spend as much as they want supporting or opposing a candidate for office. And spend they did. We’ll take a look at the five races that attracted the most outside money this election cycle to see whether the PACs and party committees got the winner they wanted. Spending totals* represent the combination of outside spending supporting the candidate and opposing that candidate’s opponent.
5. Indiana Senate
Rep. Joe Donnelly vs. Richard Mourdock
$12 million vs. $16.5 million = $28.6 million **
Most outside money supported Mourdock, the Republican candidate
Did money = victory? No.

Left: Democrat Joe Donnelly thanks supporters after winning at an election night celebration in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)
Right: Republican Richard Mourdock pauses as he speaks to supporters in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)
*Spending totals are from the Center for Responsive Politics’, current as of Nov. 7.