- September 24, 2004 | NOWA look at the secretive process by which party handlers ensure presidential debates are void of real discussion of the issues, and the effect of the Bush tax cuts on our mounting national deficit.
- August 20, 2004 | NOWAn analysis of the 2004 presidential election and its campaign ads, and Lou Dobbs gives a candid look at what caused his change of heart from devout capitalist to crusader for American workers.
- July 9, 2004 | NOWA look at why some working-class Americans vote against their own economic futures; an analysis of campaign ads and rhetoric; and a forensic anthropologist on finding truth in mass graves after war.
- June 25, 2004 | Moyers & CompanyIn this 2004 interview, Elizabeth Warren talks about Alan Greenspan, mortgage debt and America's struggling families.
- June 25, 2004 | NOWThis episode looks at both sides of a debate over a proposed EPA regulation of power plants' mercury emissions, checks in with Deborah Amos in Iraq, and hears from Elizabeth Warren on interest rates.
- May 7, 2004 | NOWSamantha Power discusses the blurry lines between American values and universal values, and the human consequences of disappearing manufacturing jobs in Rockford, IL.
- April 16, 2004 | NOWWith soldiers in Iraq making a base pay of as little as about $1300 per month, are America's service men and women worrying about their families affording their basic needs back home?
- March 26, 2004 | NOWThe use of public education money to support private schools, covering the 9/11 hearings as a White House correspondent, and the insanity of CEO pay.
- February 27, 2004 | NOWIn an increasingly security-conscious America, is the government taking aim at our civil liberties? And unlikely allies in the fight to protect a California community.
- February 13, 2004 | NOWTalk radio's power to influence policy and and shape elections, indecency on the airwaves and the truth behind the tax code.