- March 25, 1992 | Families FirstBill Moyers explores the human services system in America as it works to help families stay together.
- February 5, 1992 | Hate on TrialBill Moyers investigates the facts and forces that led to the trial of Tom Metzger and his son John Metzger for inciting neo-Nazi skinheads to murder.
- October 4, 1991In this 20-year compilation, Bill speaks to a wide range of people -- from average Americans to household names like David Rockefeller, Maya Angelou, Ronald Reagan and Joseph Campbell.
- July 3, 1991Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Onondaga Nation, talks about the modern challenges of preserving Native American culture.
- May 29, 1991 | The Home FrontBIll Moyers examines domestic problems during the march to victory in the Persian Gulf War.
- April 15, 1991 | Your Mythic Journey with Sam Keennoted philosopher Sam Keen shares with Bill Moyers the importance of "personal storytelling" — a way of looking back at life to make sense of where you are today.
- April 10, 1991 | All Our ChildrenBill Moyers examines the challenges facing youth in 1990s America and investigates how to help millions of young people emerging from school unprepared for life and work.
- April 5, 1991 | The Arab WorldBill Moyers talks with scholar and economist Charles Issawi about the sources of Arab resentment toward the West and the possibility of better relations in the future.
- April 4, 1991 | The Arab WorldBilll Moyers turns his focus on the long and proud cultural traditions of the Arab region. A group of experts discuss a range of topics from myth and literature to the place of women in Islamic culture.
- April 3, 1991 | The Arab WorldBIll Moyers and experts discuss the Islamic faith, and how it influences the daily lives of its practitioners.