- August 27, 2004 | NOWA behind-the-scenes look at the lavish convention parties the Democrats and Republicans don't want you to see, 2004 political analysis, and a conversation about the impact of incarceration on black men.
- August 13, 2004 | NOWA look inside a high school that offers last chances to new immigrants, foster children with no permanent home, students who've chronically failed and teenage mothers struggling to make a better life.
- July 16, 2004 | NOWA look at a report on the size and scope of the international oil and gas industry and its governmental influence; inside America's moral debate; and are tough cuts necessary to save Medicaid?
- July 2, 2004 | NOWA conversation about political polling and crafted language in politics; a look at how Congress takes care of themselves, compared to the rest of the country; and what does it mean to be happy?
- June 25, 2004 | Moyers & CompanyIn this 2004 interview, Elizabeth Warren talks about Alan Greenspan, mortgage debt and America's struggling families.
- May 21, 2004 | NOWConsidering whether the Bush administration knew of or sanctioned torture, and a look at a unique NYC program that helps formerly incarcerated women heal addictions and reclaim their lives.
- May 14, 2004 | NOWPeter Singer grapples with ethics, morality and responsibility arising from the Abu Ghraib scandal; a campaign ad fact-check; and Susan Jacoby on the inseparability of patriotism and religion in the US.
- April 30, 2004 | NOWThe inside story behind a radical expansion of Medicare, which some say was packaged to court crucial senior votes in an election year.
- March 19, 2004 | NOWWhat Mark Twain can teach us about the challenges facing America today, and the Latinization of American culture.
- March 5, 2004 | NOWA look at whether law enforcement is abusing its power by spying on the lawful activities of ordinary citizens, and a conversation with an inspirational minister.