Trump has persistently minimized the seriousness of COVID-19 by falsely comparing it to the seasonal flu. Initially, he used the tactic to downplay the virus as it threatened the stock market. This denial and obfuscation squandered precious time, worsened the crisis, and may have cost a number of lives.
- May 18, 2020Confusion Reigns Over Reopening Plan
- April 28, 2020The World Health Organization is a 194-nation cooperative that promotes public health and saves lives across the globe. Unlike Trump, the WHO responded quickly and aggressively to COVID-19. Now Trump is trying to flip the script — accusing the WHO of incompetence and cover-up.
- April 22, 2020For years, Trump failed to prepare America for a pandemic. For months after COVID-19 emerged, he downplayed its danger. Now he’s touting a dubious miracle cure.
- April 16, 2020By Apr. 10, on a per capita basis, US testing still lags far behind other countries, including South Korea and Italy. But at a press briefing, Trump says, “We’re leading the world now in testing, by far, and we’re going to keep it that way.”
- April 16, 2020Obama’s team briefed Trump’s transition team on a simulation that anticipated the very type of outbreak now blanketing the earth, but Trump ignored its lessons. Trump inherited a White House pandemic response team, but he disbanded it.
- March 31, 2020By March 4, South Korea — a country of 51.8 million people — has performed more than 136,000 tests. The US, with a population of 329 million, has performed fewer than 1,000.This is Part II in a series.
- March 27, 2020Trump’s magical thinking and contradictory messages about the coronavirus have created public confusion. The consequences are becoming catastrophic.