- May 24, 2002 | NOWThis episode featured a landmark counseling center helping children traumatized by 9/11, and looked into the atrocities committed in the war for the independence, of Aceh, a remote Indonesian province.
- May 17, 2002 | NOWProducers visit Connecticut, where the gap between rich and poor was growing faster than in any other state, and Maine to consider a debate on single-payer health insurance.
- May 10, 2002In this special report, Bill investigates if everyday chemicals are harming our kids.
- April 19, 2002 | NOWHave Big Tobacco companies grown so powerful they can disregard international law?
- February 22, 2002 | NOWIn this story of unspeakable tragedy and the painful search for justice, NOW introduces some of the tens of thousands of young girls — many now HIV-positive — who have been raped in South Africa.
- June 19, 2001 | Earth on EdgeA look at the state of the environment in 2001 — and whether humans were putting themselves on a path to self-destruction.
- March 26, 2001This two-hour special investigates the harmful impact of toxic chemicals on the American worker, and how corporations collude to keep the truth from coming out. (2001)
- September 13, 2000 | On Our Own Terms: Moyers on DyingThe Balm of Gilead project puts the comfort and care of a hospice into a hospital setting, providing dignified, loving treatment for indigent patients.
- September 11, 2000 | On Our Own Terms: Moyers on DyingOur cultural attitudes towards suffering are sometimes used as a rationale to withhold medications--attitudes that palliative-care physicians hope to change in order to make dying less frightening and less painful.
- September 10, 2000 | On Our Own Terms: Moyers on DyingReal people with terminal illnesses share their stories of living with dying. Also their caretakers share the challenges of delivering a "good death."