- February 29, 2008 | Bill Moyers JournalThe candidates have gotten creative with their political ads. This Journal decodes their messages and reports on what's getting through to the voters.
- February 22, 2008 | Bill Moyers JournalSeattle Times reporters investigated how members of Congress awarded campaign contributors with federal dollars for companies in their local Congressional districts.
- February 15, 2008The author and free thinker discusses the rise of ignorance in our classrooms, our culture and our politics.
- February 15, 2008 | Bill Moyers JournalWhat does America's $9 trillion federal debt mean for future generations? This week's JOURNAL's guests discuss what lies ahead.
- February 8, 2008The president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference discusses the role of religion and evangelicals in the 2008 election.
- February 8, 2008 | Bill Moyers JournalMoyers discusses a documentary that explores America's debate over torture, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson returns to looks at the issues underlying the 2008 horse race.
- February 1, 2008 | Bill Moyers JournalThe JOURNAL examines abuse of power and waste being exposed by Congress's Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Also, an update on '08 campaign endorsements.
- January 25, 2008 | Bill Moyers JournalThe sociologist discusses how individual Americans are affected by the global economic crisis. Plus, a critical look at spending on political TV ads.
- January 18, 2008 | Bill Moyers JournalBill talks with historian and author Harvey Kaye about Thomas Paine's life and legacy.
- January 11, 2008 | Bill Moyers JournalShelby Steele speaks candidly about race in America. Plus, campaign expert Kathleen Hall Jamieson looks behind the campaign coverage.