- April 5, 2013In this web extra, poet Kyle Dargan reads his poem about theft and desperation in hard economic times.
- April 5, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyPoet Kyle Dargan talks about his efforts to reconcile his disparate cultural environments through poetry.
- April 5, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyTheologian James Cone and historian Taylor Branch join Bill to discuss Dr. King’s other dream: economic justice.
- March 29, 2013The bestselling author tells Bill how our legal system deals out justice unevenly, with terrible consequences and cost.
- March 7, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyTony Kushner, who wrote the screenplay for Lincoln, talks about America's 16th president and "the history lesson of politics."
- February 26, 2013
Martín Espada reads "Blessed Be The Truth-Tellers," inspired by Jack Agüeros, a truth-telling Puerto Rican poet, fiction writer, playwright, community organizer, translator, and the first writer Espada ever met.
- February 15, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyExploring the virus of money in our politics, and how we need to combat it.
- February 15, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyPoet Martín Espada talks about the sacrifices artists sometimes need to make, and what drives him to both poetry and activism.
- February 8, 2013Browse selected books by Moyers & Company guests, and let us know which ones moved and inspired you.
- January 18, 2013We check in with Haydil Henriquez, a young poet featured on Bill Moyers Journal in 2007 who was inspired by our guest Martín Espada.