- September 15, 2016Read the full conversation with the AFL-CIO's Thea Lee about the history of US trade deals, TPP, and the environmental and worker protections that have been left out of the debate.
- September 15, 2016A top AFL-CIO economist tries not to say, "I told you so."
- September 1, 2016We explore some theories on why the president continues to back a deal that his own party has largely turned its back on.
- June 27, 2016Focusing on immigration and trade fails to grasp the larger challenge posed by populist insurgencies worldwide.
- March 15, 2016American job opportunities transferring overseas to "open new markets" hinders our democracy and middle class.
- January 8, 2016The Canadian company behind the Keystone Pipeline is suing the US government. It’s a perfect example of why many environmentalists are wary of Obama’s secretive trade deals.
- June 22, 2015This treaty can be worked out by debate and compromise. But not if the fix is in -- not if Boehner, McConnell and Obama put a fast one over on us.
- April 28, 2015President Obama must be having trouble getting the votes for fast-track authority, since the administration is now pulling out all the stops to push the deal.
- February 9, 2015In just a couple of minutes, the former labor secretary, Robert Reich, sheds some light on the mystery surrounding that big, secret trade deal.
- February 6, 2015Even members of Congress can only view the text of the agreement in a designated room, without their own staff members or experts present.