The Issue: Standing Up Against Hate and Hate Crimes

A candlelight vigil in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, held on Tuesday, Aug. 7, for the victims of a mass shooting at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. The vigil was held during the national night out event at the Oak Creek Civic Center. (Photo by Tom Lynn/AP)
The Initiative: Show Your Support for the Sikh Community
Background: Thousands attended Friday’s wake for the six victims who died after Wade Michael Page, a 40-year-old US Army veteran with links to racist groups, opened fire in a Sikh temple last Sunday in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. For those who couldn’t attend the service, there are other ways to memorialize the lives of the victims and take a stand against hate.
Fellow Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Buddhists, Unitarian Universalists, atheists and agnostics across American are saying: Today, we are all Sikhs.
Working together, national Sikh organizations Groundswell, The Sikh Coalition, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and UNITED SIKHS have organized many ways to extend your support to the American Sikh community at this time of great tragedy and loss.
Essential Links
Send a Note of Solidarity: Leave a message of support and read some of the 3,000+ messages already posted in this interactive map.
Attend a Vigil: This week, communities are holding candlelight vigils across America in nationwide remembrance for victims and their families.
Make a Video: Post a video on the Oak Creek Facebook page wall sharing your thoughts with the community.
Donate to support victims of the shooting and their families: 100% of contributions will go directly to families who lost loved ones.