Slideshow: The Lexicon of Sustainability

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Pop-Up Gallery Shows

San Antonio, TX

San Antonio, TX, pop-up gallery show

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Douglas Gayeton, information artist

Douglas Gayeton

“We’ve set it up so that people can host their own pop-up shows. We got funding to print thousands of these images and to distribute them for free. The only places we don’t allow the work to be shown is in museums or galleries. Our goal is to have 500 shows across the country. So far we’ve had them in places like a classroom in South Central Los Angeles; Union Square in New York, where they passed out chalk to people to write about the things that most concerned them when they looked at the images; and a conference in San Francisco about slow money. In Massachusetts, all the local producers actually built tableaus of their products that related to each of the images that they felt the most affinity for. This photo is of a community in San Antonio. This kid won the prize for creating artwork in his class inspired by the project — I thought that was really amazing."

Credit: Information artwork by Douglas Gayeton. From the Lexicon of Sustainability project.

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