- June 3, 2004"It is important from time to time to remember that some things are worth getting mad about." Bill Moyers delivered this speech for DEMOS at New York University.
- May 14, 2004 | NOWPeter Singer grapples with ethics, morality and responsibility arising from the Abu Ghraib scandal; a campaign ad fact-check; and Susan Jacoby on the inseparability of patriotism and religion in the US.
- April 30, 2004When Congress passed the Medicare prescription bill -- a big priority for President Bush -- it was a very close vote. In this 2004 report, Bill Moyers reports on the inside story behind the radical expansion of Medicare and investigates what the law will mean for seniors in the long-term.
- April 23, 2004 | NOWA look at American and British media's failure to question the narratives provided by their governments, and the Sierra Club's efforts to expose Dick Cheney's relationships with energy insiders while writing energy policy.
- March 26, 2004 | NOWThe use of public education money to support private schools, covering the 9/11 hearings as a White House correspondent, and the insanity of CEO pay.
- January 9, 2004 | NOWThe money influencing the 2004 presidential election, a look at whether American corporations should be held accountable for business dealings overseas, and a Muslim activist trying to change her religion.
- November 21, 2003How the politics of the privileged is jeopardizing America’s economic future.
- November 21, 2003 | NOWA three-part investigation into the roots of growing US economic inequality, and the often-forgotten human toll of government policies that favor corporations over individuals.
- September 19, 2003 | NOWChristine Todd Whitman recounts the controversies that dogged her tenure as head of the EPA, and National Environmental Trust's Philip Clapp discusses the influence of the oil and nuclear industries.
- September 12, 2003 | NOWNOW met with 9/11 widows demanding answers about the terrorist attacks, and heard from FEC Commissioner Scott Thomas on the pressure for Democrats to give into soft money contributions.