- March 15, 2021Activists Mark 50th Anniversary of Daring FBI Break-in
- January 22, 2021These words from legendary CBS producer Fred Friendly are on the mind of a former student.
- September 4, 2020
The Atlantic published a story detailing Trump’s contempt for military service and the self-sacrifice of those killed in the line of duty. Trump is reacting with panic.
- June 23, 2020
In April 1967, at New York City’s Riverside Church, Dr. King delivered a sermon that offered a profound diagnosis of the illnesses afflicting the nation. King summoned the nation to “undergo a radical revolution of values” that would transform the United States “from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society.” Only through such a revolution, he declared, would we be able to overcome “the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism.”
- June 4, 2020
Demagogue that he is and that he’s toyed with becoming since well before he ran for president, Donald Trump used his June 2 rant against looting and thuggery after George Floyd’s murder to bang the drum for a civil war that he’s been toying with. But how pure was the republic before he stepped into the spotlight?
- May 11, 2020"Sea Salt"
- October 17, 2017By removing most Americans from the combat arena, we gained the ability to wage war forever, and damn the consequences.
- March 7, 2017When did we start to think of the president as commander-in-chief first and executor of laws a distant second?
- January 20, 2017Resistance doesn’t mean just standing strong; it means doing so without rushing, and without faltering.