- April 17, 2017Trump’s tax giveaways to Wall Street and other big corporations won’t create good jobs or help Main Street businesses; they’ll just line the pockets of executives.
- February 2, 2015Americans for Prosperity is vigorously opposing a state tax credit for renovating historic properties. Koch took advantage of a similar perk when he spruced up his Palm Beach villa.
- December 30, 2013As 2013 comes to an end, we asked editors, journalists and friends of BillMoyers.com: What story deserved more attention this year?
- June 6, 2013What would happen if you tried some of the same legal-ish tricks that Apple and other corporations use to avoid taxes?
- February 13, 2004 | NOWTalk radio's power to influence policy and and shape elections, indecency on the airwaves and the truth behind the tax code.