- March 28, 2014 | Moyers & CompanyPreeminent education historian and public school advocate Diane Ravitch talks to Bill this week about the private sellout of public schools.
- March 25, 2014Those interested in creating a market-based system to replace public education are spreading the false story that our public schools are obsolete and failing. They are not.
- March 24, 2014The DOE’s comprehensive civil rights survey revealed this and several other disturbing stats about racial inequality in our public schools.
- January 23, 2014This year, three states received PISA scores — as if they were independent countries — which could help policymakers understand what's working and what's not.
- January 9, 2014The Department of Justice issued new guidance Wednesday aimed at curbing harsh, discriminatory over-punishment of school discipline violations.
- November 22, 2013Scholar and education expert Henry Giroux talks to Bill about the troubling trend of police arrests in public schools.
- November 21, 2013Mark Garland is the ex-president of a public university in Ohio. He shares his second thoughts on some of the decisions he made at Miami University.
- June 7, 2013Poor schools underperform largely because of poverty and economic inequality, not because teachers have it too easy, writes David Sirota.
- June 5, 2013Greg Kaufmann talks to a Head Start director in Washington state to find out how the sequester is affecting programs that are already underfunded.
- June 29, 2012Board of Education changes to Texas textbooks reveal a clear conservative agenda.