Since Arizona has been called for Biden the numbers in Biden’s column now make up an insurmountable margin for Trump to overcome.
- August 4, 2017An article in a Vatican-approved journal singles out Steve Bannon as "a supporter of apocalyptic geopolitics"
- January 26, 2017Now is the time to take action to insure a rapid and just transition away from fossil fuels toward clean energy.
- November 14, 2016We must acknowledge within our community the frustrations we all share, and then move forward together.
- February 25, 2016Perhaps there was a time when Republicans and Democrats more or less shared good values like compassion, tolerance, charity and empathy for the less fortunate. Obviously, things are different now.
- October 5, 2015Holding up these two radical, pacifist, militantly anti-war Catholics as role models was a remarkable act by Pope Francis.
- October 1, 2015Last week's papal visit was a big success, but some of those in attendance were the antithesis of his teachings.
- September 25, 2015If you don't watch Fox News or listen to right-wing radio, you probably aren't aware of the negative coverage the pope and his message are receiving this week. Media Matters compiled the video.
- September 23, 2015The pope's visit to Capitol Hill sheds light on the GOP's stubborn refusal to face the truth about global warming.
- July 6, 2015In a recent speech, Klein said our current economic system is both fueling the climate crisis and actively preventing us from taking the necessary actions to avert it.