There are some issues in our body politic where digging in your heals, demonizing the other side and screaming bloody epithets over the high fence won’t get you any closer to victory. Plenty of people have worked to find common ground, but the partisan bickering reinforces each position to the detriment of those in the middle who represent a powerful majoritiy. Though the U.S. Senate just supported a filibuster against a bipartisan amendment to expand background ...
- May 3, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyNewtown parents and a legendary folk singer lift their voices to end gun violence.
- May 3, 2013 | Updated June 10, 2014Take a by-the-numbers look at gun deaths, school shootings, public opinion and legislation in the year since Sandy Hook.
- May 3, 2013Watch Newtown parents and legendary folk singers raise their voices to comfort a community following the Sandy Hook massacre.
- May 3, 2013A group started by members of the Newtown community hope you will call your representatives and support common sense solutions to make our schools safer.
- May 2, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyNewtown parents Francine and David Wheeler talk about how to address gun violence in a way that welcomes diverse viewpoints.
- May 2, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyNewtown parent Francine Wheeler and folk singer Peter Yarrow discuss the power of music to create change.
- April 26, 2013It's become clear that Congress rarely has the voter in mind at all, unless that voter’s a cash-laden heavy hitter.
- April 26, 2013 | Updated December 11, 2013Since the Senate voted down gun control legislation, advocates have regrouped. Find out how you can take action.
- January 4, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyClimate change communication expert Anthony Leiserowitz explains why climate change gets the silent treatment, and what we should do about it.