- September 14, 2017She served her country and worked hard to provide for her family. She would be lost without Medicaid.
- August 22, 2017A new survey finds a majority of physicians now support a single-payer health care system.
- August 9, 2017Even if single-payer health care gains traction, private insurers and health care providers will fight to preserve the profits of our current system.
- August 2, 2017People from all walks of life, in small towns and big cities, in red districts and blue, have waged a historic effort.
- August 2, 2017Although he never really understood Obamacare, Trump used it to prey upon resentments of class, race and religiosity that propelled him into the White House.
- July 27, 2017If the Senate rejects this gambit, the bipartisan process advocated by McCain and various governors and members of Congress of both parties could finally begin.
- July 24, 2017The White House can take a number of behind-the-scenes steps to sabotage Obamacare.
- July 19, 2017Attendees will debate bills related to college sexual assault, campus protest, private schools vouchers, renewable energy, the ACA and more.
- July 7, 2017The health industry, not the public, is the constituency not “comfortable” with Medicare for all.
- June 28, 2017People will continue to vote enthusiastically for the party that will strip them of their health care so long as that party promises to turn back the clock.