For the first time in nearly 50 years, Americans will go to the polls without a key protection under the Voting Rights Act. Congress must act to ensure every citizen can freely cast a ballot.
Bill recalls his time in Washington and reflects on how much more he knows now about events like the Gulf of Tonkin resolution -- passed 40 years ago this week -- than he did when it was happening before his eyes.
If the Arctic starts releasing trapped methane, the Earth and its inhabitants are in trouble. But scientists are undecided on whether that process has started.
Supreme Court rulings on gay rights are progressively pushing forward, while decisions related to women's equality are moving in the opposite direction.
The release of a long-delayed investigation into the Central Intelligence Agency’s post-9/11 interrogation methods was held up yet again on Tuesday after the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee objected to the amount of information that had been censored by the Obama administration.