Smart Chart: You’re Working More But Earning Less

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This post first appeared at Mother Jones.

We’ll be posting a new chart on the current state of income inequality every day for the next couple of weeks. Yesterday’s chart looked at the history of the 1 percent, from ancient Rome to today.

Today, another look at how middle-class incomes have been stuck in neutral while the rest of the economy has grown. In 2012, the median household income (adjusted for inflation) was the same as it was in 1996.

Illustrations and infographic design by Mattias Mackler​

(Illustrations and info graphic design: Mattias Mackler​)

Sources: Household income: US Census; economic growth: St. Louis Fed; 1 percent: Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty (Excel); corporate profits: St. Louis Fed.

Dave Gilson is a senior editor at Mother Jones. Follow him on Twitter: @daudig.
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