What Do We Have in Common With Snooki?

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In a new public service announcement (PSA) recorded for MTV and Funny or Die, Jersey Shore‘s cast gets political. You read that right.

Snooki in voting PSA

The bit begins with Snooki looking up from the most recent issue of Mother Jones magazine to ask her friends who they are planning on voting for in November. What follows is a laughably implausible intellectual conversation about the state of our democracy, including one impassioned speech by The Situation about the “self-fulfilling prophecy” of voter apathy.

But what really made us LOL was Mother Jones‘s editor Clara Jeffery‘s response to a request for comment from The Atlantic Wire: “What is there to say but Lolz, go #gymtanvote! A cover plugged by both Moyers and Co and Jersey Shore. #winning.” Indeed!

Watch the PSA:
(note: contains inappropriate language)

Thanks to The Atlantic Wire for bringing the #gymtanvote to our attention.

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