On the BillBoard, we share articles, reports and videos we consider must-sees. This collection focuses on Citizens United, super PACs, and their impact on the 2012 election.
Politico: “FEC’s Bad Rap Getting Worse”
The Federal Election Committee already had a dysfunctional reputation before the Super PAC money started pouring in, and Capitol insiders say there’s little hope they’ll show any regulatory initiative before November.
New York Times Infographic: 66 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 555
Firms hired by both super PACs and the Romney campaign share the same office space in Alexandria, Va. Since super PACs and campaigns aren’t legally allowed to coordinate, the proximity and redundancy of the consultants puts a new spin on office politics.
ProPublica: “Super Donors: Our Reading Guide to the Top 10 Super PAC Givers”
Read about the lifestyles of the rich and political in ProPublica’s comprehensive guide. Don’t miss their “PAC Tracker” interactive that includes a breakdown of all the money going to super PACs and others through the last reporting deadline, January 31.
New York Times Campaign Stops Blog: “Cash and Carry”
Thomas B. Edsall reports on the quid pro quo you knew was coming: “If enacted, the tax proposals Mitt Romney outlined last week to the Detroit Economic Club would provide multimillion-dollar benefits to a newly powerful constituency: the rich men and women who are bankrolling super PACs.”
The Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group: “Big Super PAC donors: Same Old Guns, Just More Money”
Analysis by the Sunlight Foundation shows that the biggest super PAC donors are giving more money earlier than they did in campaigns past.
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