- July 5, 2017Dispatches from the Urban Resistance, from Atlantic City to Miami Beach.
- May 16, 2017Experts weigh in on what they'd do with $1 trillion to spend on the country’s corroded pipes, crumbling bridges and iffy transit systems.
- May 17, 2016Government inaction to fix existing infrastructure is costing each US household lots of money each year.
- July 14, 2015Why do I keep hearing about the California drought, if it's the Colorado River that we're "killing"?
- August 12, 2014Popular brands like Aquafina and Dasani source from catastrophically dry parts of the West.
- July 19, 2014As Detroit draws international criticism for shutting off water for low-income families, activists ask why people are being forced to pay while the Wall Street banks live large.
- March 8, 2002NOW travels to northern Wyoming to examine the environmental impact of fracking there.
- March 8, 2002 | NOWNOW considers the consequences of gas drilling in the American West, including the disposal of millions of gallons of ground water, then looks at the racial and power struggles of Zimbabwe's election.