- April 29, 2014Watch what two leaders of the climate change divestment movement have to say about convincing institutions to sell their shares in polluting industries.
- April 28, 2014Leaders of divestment campaigns at Harvard and UC Berkeley on why their schools should drop shares in polluting industries.
- April 24, 2014Bill's guests this week say it can and their goal is to isolate the industry as a "moral pariah."
- April 24, 2014In this clip, environmentalist Bill McKibben explains why divestment is a powerful offensive strategy against the fossil fuel industry.
- April 24, 2014See resources for individuals and organizations looking to sell their shares in polluting industries and reinvest in companies committed to climate change solutions.
- April 4, 2014A future in which governments regulate carbon emissions is an unrealistic thing to imagine, and not worth planning for, says the company.
- March 26, 2014Keystone XL may have received a lot of public scrutiny, but Big Oil has other routes for its dirty, tar sands crude.
- February 20, 2014Take a closer (animated) look at the American Petroleum Institute, the organization that has been lobbying its heart out to get Keystone XL approved.
- February 10, 2014Watch clips from Bill's interview with environmental activist Bill McKibben.
- February 7, 2014A sit-in next month is expected to be the largest act of civil disobedience by young people in the recent history of the environmental movement.