Democracy & Government

D’OH! What’s Your Brexit Moment?

If you ever failed to vote or regret how you voted, we want to hear about it.

D’OH! What's Your Brexit Moment?

A man takes a copy of the London Evening Standard with the front page reporting the resignation of British Prime Minister David Cameron and the vote to leave the EU in a referendum. (LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images)

Since the mind-blowing Brexit vote last week, some UK citizens have come forward admitting that they made a huge — and hugely consequential — mistake by voting to pull out of the European Union. Many confess they never intended to really leave the Union but simply wanted to “protest.” Others are surely kicking themselves for not getting off the couch and voting in the first place.

While the Brexit decision is of epic proportions, many of the votes we cast — or don’t — also have huge consequences on what happens next in our own state, city or town, determining everything from traffic patterns to tax rates and a whole lot in between.

Have you ever kicked yourself for not participating in an election or for not getting properly informed before voting? What were the consequences that you’ve been forced to live with? We’re collecting your stories here for a post in the run-up to the 2016 elections. Please share in the comments section below or on Facebook.