Bill Moyers Journal
Bringing back the landmark PBS series that first aired 35 years ago, Bill Moyers Journal, a weekly show with the goal of enriching the conversation of democracy, featured some of the most articulate, original – and independent – thinkers of our time. Each show included produced analysis of vital issues, strong interviews with unique voices on politics, the arts and letters, science, religion, and the media, as well as debates on public issues and documentary specials. (2007-2010)
- September 21, 2007Bill talks with actress Kaiulani Lee about her portrayal of Rachel Carson.
- September 28, 2007 | Bill Moyers JournalInvestment industry giant John Bogle tells Bill Moyers that as money managers take control over corporations on Wall Street, Main Street pays the price. Also, Deborah Amos and George Packer on Iraq.
- October 5, 2007Bill reflects on Amish grace and forgiveness.
- October 5, 2007 | Bill Moyers JournalA report on Christians United for Israel. Bill Moyers discusses the theological and political context of Christian Zionism with Timothy Weber and Rabbi Michael Lerner.
- October 12, 2007Bill talks to author Anour Majid about cultivating creative thinking in Muslim society.
- October 12, 2007 | Bill Moyers JournalVeteran market watcher Robert Kuttner and Wall Street insider William H. Donaldson give Bill Moyers their read of the current economic landscape.
- October 19, 2007Bill talks to investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill about Blackwater spin vs. truth.
- October 19, 2007 | Bill Moyers JournalBill Moyers examines the recent trade bills before Congress, including CAFTA.
- October 26, 2007Bill talks with professor Charles Fried and author Fritz Schwar on growing executive branch power in the name of national security.
- November 2, 2007Bill talks about the missing class -- the "near poor" -- with professor Katherine Newman.
- November 2, 2007Bill asks why the news media is overlooking today's war protestors.
- November 9, 2007 | Bill Moyers JournalBill Moyers provides an update on protests in Pakistan.
- November 16, 2007 | Bill Moyers JournalBill Moyers profiles the Steps Coalition and talks to Manuel A. Vásquez who sheds light on a growing sense of transnationalism among immigrant populations.
- November 16, 2007The FCC's current consideration to relax media ownership rules is eerily reminiscent of a similar effort -- and consequential public outrage -- five years ago.
- November 23, 2007Bill discusses the symbolism of the cross and lynching tree with theologian James Cone.