Following a Merrill Lynch scandal, NOW investigated how Wall Street games the system to hurt investors. A second segment covered ways to decrease suicide bombings in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This episode featured a landmark counseling center helping children traumatized by 9/11, and looked into the atrocities committed in the war for the independence, of Aceh, a remote Indonesian province.
Producers visit Connecticut, where the gap between rich and poor was growing faster than in any other state, and Maine to consider a debate on single-payer health insurance.
Humanitarian aid agency Concern Worldwide works to feed the starving people of Afghanistan, Jimmy Carter and Bill Gates raise AIDS awareness, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg talks glass ceilings.
This episode of NOW With Bill Moyers looks at the shrinking of mass media and consolidation of radio stations, remembers Shakespeare, and looks back at the LA riots 10 years earlier.
As Bill Moyers says, "Progress brought pollution to paradise -- and almost overwhelmed it." Bill explores the dramatic history, complex ecology and profound natural beauty of the Hudson River.