The American people “are angry that the middle class is collapsing because of the Wall Street-caused recession,” Sen. Bernie Sanders declared in a major Senate floor speech on June 27. “They are angry that unemployment is sky high, that 50 million people lack health insurance, and that working families can’t afford college for their kids. Meanwhile, the wealthy and the largest corporations are doing phenomenally well and now billionaires and their congressional friends want to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor.”
In the 25-minute speech (only eight hours shy of his epic 2010 speech) Sanders describes an American economy which has more wealth and income inequality than at any time since the 1920s. He calls on Congress to pass legislation providing health care for all Americans, creating jobs to repair America’s crumbling infrastructure, strengthening Social Security, blocking cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, and making the wealthy and profitable corporations pay their fair share to reduce the deficit.
Watch the entire speech below.