Smart Charts
- January 17, 2013These days the Senate needs a supermajority to get anything done. So it doesn't get much done.
- January 11, 2013Find out what was gained and lost in terms of the occupations, genders, sexual orientation, and religious affiliations of our new crop of representatives.
- January 11, 2013 | Updated September 23, 2013The debt ceiling has changed over 100 times since 1944. You might be surprised which party has raised it more often.
- January 3, 2013Last month saw the highest number of requests ever for the FBI background checks required before purchasing guns.
- December 28, 2012Data from 11 of the past 12 months indicates a record-breaking 2012, but will climate coverage also warm up?
- December 26, 2012The number of messages sent to politicians has increased dramatically online, but that doesn't mean they're being heard.
- December 18, 2012Spending by The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's most prominent gun control group, amounts to about one percent of NRA spending.
- December 11, 2012Since 2008, corporate profits have rebounded. But those profits have not translated to increased government revenue from income taxes or higher wages for Americans.
- November 30, 2012Asian Americans have shifted from supporting Republican candidates to overwhelmingly supporting Democrats. Have conservatives pushed them away?
- November 27, 2012The Kaiser Family Foundation released an analysis yesterday to help state politicians decide whether to participate in the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.