ALL POSTS BY Sister Simone Campbell
- April 28, 2017Moyers' guests weigh in on the import or impotence of the early days of the Trump administration.
- November 14, 2016We must acknowledge within our community the frustrations we all share, and then move forward together.
- June 20, 2015Sister Simone Campbell reflects on the pope's call for all of us, especially those in power, to find bold, integrative solutions to all of these injustices.
- April 30, 2015Sister Simone Campbell and an interfaith coalition are working toward a federal budget that will better reflect shared values of fairness and compassion.
- January 23, 2015A key factor in addressing poverty is raising the minimum wage. A just wages allow workers and their families to live in dignity.
- September 1, 2014One way Obama can address the issue of income inequality is by giving low-wage federal workers the right to organize and bargain for fair working conditions.
- April 1, 2014The “Nuns on the Bus” leader reflects on the significance of the recent meeting of the pontiff and the president at the Vatican.