ALL POSTS BY Lauren Feeney
- May 24, 2013See 10 companies that paid little or no taxes for the past five years, and ten that increased their offshore holdings in 2012.
- May 17, 2013See simple steps you can take to limit your exposure to known toxins like lead, flame retardants and BPA.
- May 3, 2013 | Updated June 10, 2014Take a by-the-numbers look at gun deaths, school shootings, public opinion and legislation in the year since Sandy Hook.
- April 26, 2013 | Updated June 26, 2014Snowden is the latest whistleblower to be prosecuted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act.
- April 26, 2013Robert Greenwald's new film "War on Whistleblowers" tells the story of four Americans who each paid a heavy price for exposing abuses of power.
- April 24, 2013Watch a young American-educated Yemeni's Senate testimony about a drone strike on his village.
- April 19, 2013Learn about American moms who, inspired by their children, took matters into their own hands to build a safer, healthier and more just world.
- April 12, 2013The high-tech mecca is a stark example of a nationwide trend.
- April 5, 2013California's Silicon Valley illustrates striking disparities at the extremes of wealth and poverty in America.
- March 29, 2013Using a holistic model that addresses the underlying problems driving people into the criminal justice system, an organization in New York City is redefining public defense.