Good morning! Today is National Clean Out Your Computer day, but we all know it’s not going to happen. Here are some of the stories we’re reading as we kick off a new week…
Stat of the day: Chicago police are ten times more likely to shoot black residents than white ones.
A first look –> Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill report on the NSA’s role in the US-targeted assassination program for The Intercept.
More democracy ahead? –> Alexander Bolton reports for The Hill that Harry Reid is considering another round of filibuster reform as the Senate remains blocked.
Real people –> Last week, we mentioned that AOL CEO Tim Armstrong cited the costs of “two distressed babies” to justify cutting his employees’ benefits. Deanna Fei is the mother of one of those children and over at Slate, she has a few words for Armstrong.
“Crybabies of the 1 percent” –> That’s the title of a strong essay about wealth and privilege by Paul Campos in Salon.
Spay and neuter your animals –> The Copenhagen Zoo’s decision to shoot a young giraffe — in front of children — and then feed him to the lions because his genes weren’t necessary for Europe’s captive breeding program has sparked global outrage.
Indentured servitude? –> TPM’s Josh Marshall writes about conservatives’ reaction to news that Obamacare will allow some Americans to work less.
Big –> Ari Berman reports on the huge Moral March held in North Carolina over the weekend for The Nation.
They feel the Earth move –> According to NPR, there’s been a surge of earthquakes in the US which scientists have linked “the boom in oil and gas activity.”
Immigration roadblock –> Sen. Chuck Schumer tried — but likely failed — to call House Republicans’ bluff on immigration reform, according to Reuters.
Fukushima –> A class action suit has been filed against Tokyo Electric Power on behalf of US Navy personnel who took part in a relief operation off of the coast of Japan in 2011 and are now facing health problems. Harvey Wasserman has the story for EcoWatch.
Well, he was a crime dog –> Actor who played McGruff, the crime dog, sentenced to prison for growing marijuana and stockpiling weapons, including a grenade launcher.