Morning Reads

Good morning! Here are some of the stories we’re reading as we get ready to tackle a new week…

The other Kochs –> MoJo’s Andy Kroll looks at the De Vos clan’s big-money campaign to kill organized labor.

Public opinion shifting –> A large majority of Americans now oppose the NSA, according to a new poll by USA Today and Pew.

Ain’t globalization great? –> Reuters: “China pollution wafting across Pacific to blanket US.”

Not exactly living large –> At Salon, Sarah Gray finds out what it’s like living on food stamps for a week. ALSO: According to Gallup, two out of three Americans are “dissatisfied with income, wealth distribution.”

Reviewed –> Former GOP congressional staffer Mike Lofgren on Robert Gates’ book: “a political PSYOP disguised as a candid, tell-all memoir.”

Sochi –> Russia seeks alleged terrorist, construction workers are being swept up in immigration raids and local activists are being blacklisted. Sergei Loiko rounds up the latest for the LAT.

Going global –> At The Nation, Robin Broad and John Cavanagh write about the growing transnational movement to curb corporate control over governments.

$82 million –> That’s how much Texas is spending to teach its kids anti-scientific creationism in science classes, according to Phil Plait, writing at Slate.

Expansive –> Sabrina Tavernise reports for the NYT that Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion has seen a big influx of enrollees, and unlike those buying insurance in the private exchanges, most of these people lacked coverage in the past.

Not just slavery –> At TNR, Michael Kazin argues that while movies about slavery are hot right now, Hollywood shouldn’t reduce the African-American experience to its ugliest chapter.

Only a good fleece jacket with a gun –> Indiana police chief shoots himself in the leg while shopping for a new gun. Blames his fleece jacket for the discharge. According to the Indianapolis Star-Tribune, he’d previously shot himself in the hand in another incident.

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