Morning Reads

Good morning! Today, unnecessarily, is Shopping Reminder Day — consider yourself reminded. And while you’re drawing up a list, here are some morning reads…

American Dream? –> WaPo-Miller Center poll finds unprecedented economic insecurity among Americans, 6 in 10 of whom worry about losing their jobs. BUT: Some good news, as the AP reports that the Massachusetts senate approved a bill that would hike the Bay State’s minimum wage to $11 per hour by 2016 and then index it to inflation.

He said-she said –> UMass economist Nancy Folbre writes in the NYT that the ACA’s troubles may open the door to single-payer health care. TAP’s Paul Waldman disagrees, arguing that the law’s success provides the only way to get there.

Accountability –> Four adults who helped cover up the Steubenville rape case charged, including the school district’s superintendent. Tara Culp-Ressler with the story for ThinkProgress.

“Doomsday cache” –> US and British intelligence officials are worried that Edward Snowden has access to a trove of highly classified data that includes the names of field operatives, reports Mark Hosenball for Reuters.

What goes up… –> The cost of the food stamps program is falling, and would be even without recent cuts, reports Stephanie Mencimer for MoJo.

War on Thanksgiving –> Salon’s Josh Eidelson on how some retail workers will miss out on the holiday as Black Friday becomes Black Thursday.

Dealing –> As National Security Advisor Susan Rice visits the country, Afghan President Hamid Karzai is trying to renegotiate a deal that would allow US troops to remain in the country beyond 2014. Rod Nordland reports for The NYT.

Hyped –> Jamelle Bouie writes at The Daily Beast that the “knockout game” is just the latest rage in white panic.

Spunky mayor –> At The Nation, Laura Flanders interviews Gayle McLaughlin, the mayor of Richmond, California, who “has taken on Chevron and big banks on behalf of taxpayers and underwater homeowners.”

There oughta be a law — Lawsuit alleges that a 16-year-old picked up by police on his way home from a party was jailed at NYC’s Riker’s Island prison for three years without a trial before being released without charge, reports Nicole Flatow for ThinkProgress.

She can’t even bear to look at cranberries anymore –> At Slate, food writer Regina Schrambling on why food writers hate Thanksgiving.

What else is going on? Let us know in the comments!

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