Intelligence officials warned today that Russia recently hacked into our local and state computer networks. This could compromise our voting infrastructure. Intelligence officials believe our adversaries will try to help Trump, possibly by casting doubt on the voting results.
- October 19, 2020
Here are nine lies, misconceptions, and false arguments that we think voters will have to contend with in 2020.
- October 16, 2020
Election day is still weeks away, but a staggering 17.1 million voters have already cast their ballots either by mail or in person, according to data collected by Michael McDonald, a professor at the University of Florida who closely tracks voter turnout.
- October 14, 2020
Voters began lining up outside polling stations in the predawn hours, some using their cellphone flashlights to help other voters fill out pre-registration forms.
- October 10, 2020
As their chief is imploding, lots of key Republican players are silent. A number of people who were at the September 26 event have gone off the radar screen, including Attorney General William Barr. The major, obvious, in-your-face story of the day is that the president is melting down.
- October 7, 2020
The directives of Louis DeJoy have harmed the ability of the Postal Service, including with what they call the on-time departure, meaning on-time departure without your mail. And Louis DeJoy said he didn't forbid overtime, that he just restricted it. Okay. Well, that restriction had a huge impact on the on-time delivery of the mail.
- October 5, 2020Republicans are doing all they can to preserve their power at the expense of the democratic process.
- October 2, 2020Outrage as Texas governor orders closure of multiple ballot drop-off sites
- October 2, 2020Or is this just the first of many distractions?
- October 1, 2020
Today, it feels like Trump’s embrace of white supremacist gangs and his open declaration that he is planning an assault on our democratic process was a turning point for the campaign, and for the nation.