- May 10, 2017A majority of Americans approve of the Affordable Care Act and would like to see a health-care-for-all system. A medical doctor says its time for citizens to fight back and end our collective suffering.
- May 8, 2017It's going to take a lot more than just resistance if progressives are to recapture the hearts and minds of America.
- April 13, 2017"It's an ongoing frustration," says one consumer advocate. "I'm disappointed."
- March 21, 2017A lifelong Republican writes that she "began to get uncomfortable" with her party in the 1990s, when she "realized that some would prefer to tear down institutions rather than improve them, just for the destruction itself."
- March 20, 2017This Republican health care bill would actually kill people who need help most.
- March 17, 2017Forget about the future. The GOP just wants what it wants — now.
- March 7, 2017It's important not to let the wave of state bills trying to criminalize protests frighten us away from pushing back at every level.
- February 28, 2017The effort to unseat the enemies of democracy begins by stripping away their false Republican façades.
- February 24, 2017Now that the "alt-right," personified by Stephen Bannon, is in the White House, conservative leaders are trying to assess the correct place for it within the greater movement.
- February 16, 2017Cracks in Republican Senate servility are beginning to show, while right-wing media hang tough.