- December 4, 2014Paul Ryan's "reality-based" math doesn't add up.
- September 7, 2014With their "pragmatic" governors mired in scandal, it may be a chaotic scramble in a wide-open field.
- August 2, 2014Joel Berg, an anti-poverty activist in New York City, proposes an alternative to Ryan's paternalistic plan that he believes will empower families to take charge of their own futures.
- August 1, 2014Paul Ryans new plan includes a few positive proposals, but a poverty activist writes that it's doomed to fail because of its reliance on discredited, right-wing poverty myths.
- July 28, 2014A roundup of some of the stories we're reading at Moyers & Company HQ...
- July 27, 2014The Republican from Wisconsin has borrowed some populist rhetoric to go with his “kinder, gentler” talk about poverty. But his populism is not the real thing.
- July 27, 2014The “self-made” man or woman, the symbol of American meritocracy, is disappearing. Six of today’s 10 wealthiest Americans are heirs to prominent fortunes.
- July 26, 2014A diverse set of activists and experts who understand poverty firsthand respond to Paul Ryan's new proposal to address poverty.
- July 19, 2014Conservative members of the House Budget Committee showed up at a recent hearing on poverty to preach what they think they already know about people living in poverty.
- July 11, 2014Tianna Gaines-Turner has been struggling to feed her family for years. She testified before Congress this week.