- November 22, 2013 | Moyers & CompanyBill reflects on his 2003 interview with Nobel-prize winning novelist Doris Lessing, who passed away earlier this week in London.
- December 17, 2004 | NOWIn Bill Moyers' last episode, conservative leader Richard Viguerie discusses propaganda, and ACLU director Anthony Romero talks about the balance between civil liberties and national security.
- December 10, 2004 | NOWWe meet mountaineer and physician Charlie Houston, whose quiet life of achievement makes the world a better place, and Boston Philharmonic conductor Benjamin Zander, who speaks on the art of possibility.
- December 3, 2004 | NOWEliot Spitzer on his far-reaching investigations that uncovered fraudulent practices in giant US companies, and Richard Dawkins on critical thinking and the backlash against the very notion of evolution.
- November 26, 2004 | NOWJudy Collins reveals a window into her life and music, shaped by tragedy but driven by hope, and Iranian author Roya Hakakian discusses her memoir of poetry, passion and the intoxicating promise of revolution.
- November 12, 2004 | NOWSr. Joan discusses how religion became so strong a dividing line in American politics and war journalist Christian Parenti provides a close up view of the realities on the ground in Afghanistan.
- November 5, 2004 | NOWThis episode of NOW featured interviews with Grover Norquist, architect of the Conservative revolution, and public policy and national politics expert Christopher Edley.
- October 29, 2004 | NOWNOW deconstructs the road to war in Iraq through the eyes of a critical intelligence insider, Greg Thielmann, and considers the state of conservatism and progressivism in America.
- October 22, 2004 | NOWNOW considers the realities of the 2004 jobs recovery, which some say was meaningless because of lower wages, and looks at how religion is employed by the campaigns as the election closes in.
- October 15, 2004 | NOWNOW and Michele Mitchell consider issues that are important to single women and might get them to the polls, and civil rights litigator Judith Browne discusses concerning voter suppression strategies.