- May 31, 2016Americans have heard years of assurances about our military achievements in the Islamic world, but it seems we're on a multitrillion-dollar bridge to nowhere.
- April 22, 2016In the current movie, starring Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman, the human toll and moral dilemma of drone warfare are portrayed in a compelling drama of life and death.
- January 25, 2016It’s no coincidence that Trump, the candidate least in need of money or media attention, has been the biggest critic of America's wars.
- January 20, 2016Fifty-nine-year-old Mary Anne Grady Flores will serve six months for photographing a protest of an airfield in upstate New York where drone pilots are trained and from where missions are carried out.
- December 2, 2014The new Vegas with its Paris, New York City and other fantasias marks a shift from a rough populist vision to fantasies of aristocracy and elitism.
- September 24, 2014America is now fighting the Iraq War for the third time, somehow madly expecting different results.
- August 13, 2014Grady Flores’ one-year sentence is the result of a strange legal sleight of hand that positions the Hancock Air Base commander, Col. Earl A. Evans, as the victim of protests.
- August 13, 2014A roundup of some of the stories we're reading at Moyers & Company HQ...
- July 14, 2014By many measures, the US may be the wealthiest, most powerful nation, but its ability to accomplish anything has shrunk drastically.
- June 28, 2014National security expert Vicki Divoll says the newly-released "drone memo" on the legal reasoning for killing a US citizen by drone falls short, and it's time for Congress to act.